Yes it's Mauro Paganelli, Guitarist. He was spotted out at midnight in a park making animal noises. I notified the park ranger of this strange occurrence and we managed to take him off the premises. He was warned to not confuse the wildlife. What he was trying to achieve remains a mystery. I told the ranger that it is ok and I will take it from here. He was swept away in to the dark depths of The Raven's Shadow. We put the questions on him. Here is what he had to say.
1.Describe yourself in 5 words
Harmonic, Pinch Harmonic, Squeal, "Wheeee"
2. If you were an animal which one would it be and why?
All animals are fascinating in their own way, but when I was young I loved the cheetah. It's not as strong as a leopard or a tiger, but he has a lightning-fast sprint and incredible speed. Those few seconds of running will decide its life. If we "run" at our best everyday in what we are doing, maybe we can achieve our goals more easily.
3. So you are walking in a desert, dehydrated and tired with no sign of life around you, but you MAY be close to some civilisation. A wise man appears and offers you a bottle of cool refreshing water. Enough to last you a day or two, or a case containing $100,000,000 but you have to foresake the water, which do you choose?
First: to survive. So I chose water. But maybe the wise man is also an old man, so I could steal the case with money and run away like a cheetah! :P
4. What famous person past or present would you like to have lunch with?
5. What did you imagine yourself being when you were younger? Did you always want to be a musician or had a totally different career in mind?
I wanted to be a wizard. I'm rather shy but I've always been looking for ways to charm people (like music charms me).
6. Do you think aliens exist? If you met one what would you ask?
Yes, I think so. I would ask him all they know about universe, planets, life... All the things that humans can't know nowadays (or maybe just a few of them know).
And I would ask him if he knows Ravenscry.
7. What is your ideal way to spend an evening? go out or read a book, watch a movie etc?
I think it's not so important what you do, but who you do it with. For example I like playing a great gig with my friends Ravenscry, but
if I want to read a good book I like reading it by myself.
8. If you could time travel, what era in history would you like to visit?
6000 or 7000 before Christ... I would like to discover how the great civilizations were born (and finally solve the Pyramids mystery!)
9. Can you cook or are you a disaster in the kitchen? what is your signature dish?
Well, I'm not a cooking master but I'm practicing to improve my ability. Right now my signature dish is "kitchen on fire" (but I'm good at making apple pie as well)
10. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Screaming at Fagio while he is destroying my house with his bulldozer
He answered well. We released Mauro back in to the wild. He looked a little dazed but like a travelling bard on his solo journey with guitar in hand, strummed gentle melodies long in to the night. Some eye witnesses claimed to have heard him recite Socratic quotes and mentioning something about kitchens, fire, and aliens. He wore a smile as big as that of a Cheshire cat.
We are The Raven's Shadow. We are one step ahead ;)
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Monday, 28 May 2012
Ravenscry is now officially endorsed by Schecter Guitars
This was posted on the band's official Facebook page
Thanks to the collaboration with Gold Music S.r.l. (exclusive distributor for Italy) and thanks to Giovanni Salerno (Artist Manager), Ravenscry announces the endorsement deal with the American guitar manufacturer Schecter.
Paul Raimondi, who will be playing a Blackjack ATX C8 and a Blackjack ATX C7, stated: “As a rhythmic guitar player, and based on my style, I always needed powerful guitars with a sharp tone, built to emphasize the heavier palm-muting. Blackjack ATX C7 and C8 models have these characteristics. Last but not least: they have perfect finishing and beautiful “aged” colors. If you have to destroy… do it with style!”.
Mauro Paganelli will be playing a Hellraiser C8 and an Omen Extreme 7, he stated: “I’m extremely satisfied of this agreement with Schecter. I’m playing Schecter for 3 years now and I never needed anything else, because they have everything I need: neck comfort, aggressive and modern design, stunning reliability and durability. When you hold a Schecter you can only think about playing and having fun, because they will never betray you!”.
Picture by Luca Podda
See the full photoset on the facebook page
Thanks to the collaboration with Gold Music S.r.l. (exclusive distributor for Italy) and thanks to Giovanni Salerno (Artist Manager), Ravenscry announces the endorsement deal with the American guitar manufacturer Schecter.
Paul Raimondi, who will be playing a Blackjack ATX C8 and a Blackjack ATX C7, stated: “As a rhythmic guitar player, and based on my style, I always needed powerful guitars with a sharp tone, built to emphasize the heavier palm-muting. Blackjack ATX C7 and C8 models have these characteristics. Last but not least: they have perfect finishing and beautiful “aged” colors. If you have to destroy… do it with style!”.
Mauro Paganelli will be playing a Hellraiser C8 and an Omen Extreme 7, he stated: “I’m extremely satisfied of this agreement with Schecter. I’m playing Schecter for 3 years now and I never needed anything else, because they have everything I need: neck comfort, aggressive and modern design, stunning reliability and durability. When you hold a Schecter you can only think about playing and having fun, because they will never betray you!”.
Picture by Luca Podda
See the full photoset on the facebook page
One Way Out appearing at 28th on Amazon Alt Metal chart
One Way Out is now at 28th on the Alternative metal download chat on Amazon. This is great news. Let's help the band move up higher. Remember if you are a member on Amazon be sure to write your review of the album. Stay Raven!
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Ravenscry now on Radio Gothic!
Some news to bring my fellow Ravenscry fans. I contacted Gothic Metal Radio (Czech) about adding Ravenscry to the playlist and they have done it! What I ask you to do now, is to vote on the following link. The more votes that are accumulated the more airplay the band will receive. Most of the site is in native language but signup instructions are in English. You need to sign up to vote (only takes a minute)
Then Rate the band by clicking the rate link next to the band name. Then vote for a song. If a song gets enough votes within an hour it will be played. To Rate the band Vote for the song
You can also listen to Radio Gothic right within this blog by clicking the link to the web player on the side navigation bar under Metal Radio. Enjoy! And Stay Raven!
Update! We just got our first play! This is for real. I have just shown what can be done. Now lets attack the airwaves.
Friday, 25 May 2012
Ravenscry remember the name!
Not to be mistaken with
Raven's Cry Grove
A Neopagan Druid Fellowship
For Southern California
Raven's Cry Grove
A Neopagan Druid Fellowship
For Southern California
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Scandinavian Tour Diary Episode 3 Backstage
A little more sneak peaking, we join the band backstage!
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
We put the band on the spot It's time for 10 questions!
First up, we have Andrea (Fagio) Fagiuoli, bassist of the band. We put 10 questions to him. Here is how he answered.
1.Describe yourself in 5 words
1.Describe yourself in 5 words
Fagio, bass player of Ravenscry.
2. If you were an animal which one would it be and why?
Probably a wolf because I really love how they live.
3. So you are walking in a desert, dehydrated and tired with no sign of life around you, but you MAY be close to some civilisation. A wise man appears and offers you a bottle of cool refreshing water. Enough to last you a day or two, or a case containing $100,000,000 but you have to foresake the water, which do you chose?
I chose the water, money is useless when you are dead.
4. What famous person past or present would you like to have lunch with?
Nikola Tesla.
5. What did you imagine yourself being when you were younger? Did you always want to be a musician or had a totally different career in mind?
Yeah, I wanted to drive bulldozers when I was young. About 3 days ago.
6. Do you think aliens exist? If you met one what would you ask?
Oh well, I think that the universe is so big that there probably are other life forms somewhere... but I don't think I'll ever meet one of them. If it would happen I'd probably ask him/her/whatever the time.
7. What is your ideal way to spend an evening? go out or read a book, watch a movie etc?
A glass of good wine and some good air. Just before the concert I mean.
8. If you could time travel, what era in history would you like to visit?
I don't know, probably the 60s.
9. Can you cook or are you a disaster in the kitchen? what is your signature dish?
They say I'm good in cooking, well, I don't have a signature dish, but I really love pasta in every way :D
10. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Oh well... I see myself driving bulldozers.
So there you have it, Fagio will be demolishing your home, in his intergalactic bulldozer whilst eating a bowl of pasta, drinking water and dreaming about meeting Mr Tesla once he has time travelled to the 60s. Once he is done, he will be drinking a glass of wine and breathing in the evening air before going on set to entertain you with his band.
Next week we'll track down our next victim! Stay Raven!
Next week we'll track down our next victim! Stay Raven!
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Femme Metal webzine's review of One Way Out
Review by Tony Cannella
Italy’s Ravenscry already made a great first impression in 2009 with the release of their debut 5-song EP. The band has now returned with their first full-length album "One Way Out". Fans who were lucky enough to grab a copy of their initial EP will notice that all of those songs appear on "One Way Out" in re-recorded form. Ravenscry brings a modern metal sound with loads of melody throughout the 50-minute disc. The opening track "Calliope" comes out of the gates like a shot and is a great, adrenalized first tune. Giulia’s vocals are right up front and her style is instantly recognizable. "Elements Dance" begins with a slower tempo, before really speeding up settling into a nice groove. "Nobody" and "A Starless Night" keeps the momentum going. The "Redemption" trilogy is perhaps the albums center piece with "Rainy", "Reflection" and "Far Away". "Embrace", "Journey" and "Back To Hell" are all huge highlights and help to maintain the consistency that Ravenscry delivers on "One Way Out". If Ravenscry first EP was just an appetizer, than"One Way Out" is a full course meal. "One Way Out" is a good album that more than realizes the promise that their debut exhibited.
Rating – 85/100
Monday, 21 May 2012
Scandinavian Tour Diary Episode 2 - Departure Stockholm
The band are back with some more improvised randomness. Forget big brother, this is the only reality tv you need in your lives!
Ravenscry Unplugged!
Tell us your thoughts about this release, how did you like the mellow acoustic versions of the songs? Which was your favourite? As far as I am concerned it was impossible to pick. It's a great piece of work as a whole. Enjoy. Whilst you are there, check out the Android/Iphone apps!
Friday, 18 May 2012
Some live action photography of the band
All credit to the photographer for capturing these great shots of the band. Click the link to see the rest.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Breaking News!
The band have just announced that they have become youtube partners! What that actually means is that they have a lot more creative control when it comes to managing their uploaded content and customizations. Watch this space and stay tuned for further developments.
A review of One Way Out Beautiful Grotesque Webzine Posted by Daniel Bear on May 8, 2012 at 6:20 PM |
Melodic Metal
When I decided to do this review I had only heard the first single “Nobody” and I have to be honest although I really liked the track I feared that it would be another case of allowing my expectations to get carried away only to be disappointed when I got my hands on the full album (which happens all too often). I need not have feared, “One Way Out” is Ravenscry’s first full length release and it is a cracker.
From the thundering opening “Calliope”, which is a great opener and then onto the excellent “Elements Dance” Ravenscry had me hooked from the start. Then we get to the single “Nobody” with vocalist Giulia sounding particularly beautiful. “A Starless Night” leads us into Redemption parts I, II & III, Part one “Rainy” is a gothic ballad which leads into “Reflection” which is an instrumental that gradually changes the mood before leading us into Redemption part three “Far Away”, another fine song.
“Embrace” is another highlight and “Journey” sees Giulia taking a slightly different vocal approach as does the song as a whole, but it works well. “Back to the Fire” takes us back to familiar ground, before “This Funny Dangerous Game” takes us off on another tangent, before we then end on “My Bitter Tale” yet another of the albums high points.
The music throughout has plenty to offer, with lots of change ups and you never quite know what you are going to get, but it all works. A large part of the reason that everything works so well is the varied vocal approaches of the very talented Giulia Stefani, there are so many hugely talented female vocalists around at the moment we are truly spoilt and Giulia rates right up there with the rest of them.
*Personal Highlights
The Final Word
I had not heard a lot about Ravenscry when I decided to do this review and I truly wonder why, this is a very good band and they deserve a hell of a lot more publicity.
Score: 4/5
When I decided to do this review I had only heard the first single “Nobody” and I have to be honest although I really liked the track I feared that it would be another case of allowing my expectations to get carried away only to be disappointed when I got my hands on the full album (which happens all too often). I need not have feared, “One Way Out” is Ravenscry’s first full length release and it is a cracker.
From the thundering opening “Calliope”, which is a great opener and then onto the excellent “Elements Dance” Ravenscry had me hooked from the start. Then we get to the single “Nobody” with vocalist Giulia sounding particularly beautiful. “A Starless Night” leads us into Redemption parts I, II & III, Part one “Rainy” is a gothic ballad which leads into “Reflection” which is an instrumental that gradually changes the mood before leading us into Redemption part three “Far Away”, another fine song.
“Embrace” is another highlight and “Journey” sees Giulia taking a slightly different vocal approach as does the song as a whole, but it works well. “Back to the Fire” takes us back to familiar ground, before “This Funny Dangerous Game” takes us off on another tangent, before we then end on “My Bitter Tale” yet another of the albums high points.
The music throughout has plenty to offer, with lots of change ups and you never quite know what you are going to get, but it all works. A large part of the reason that everything works so well is the varied vocal approaches of the very talented Giulia Stefani, there are so many hugely talented female vocalists around at the moment we are truly spoilt and Giulia rates right up there with the rest of them.
*Personal Highlights
The Final Word
I had not heard a lot about Ravenscry when I decided to do this review and I truly wonder why, this is a very good band and they deserve a hell of a lot more publicity.
Score: 4/5
Scandinavian tour diary Episode 1 - The Old Movie
As fans of Ravenscry, you will get an all access pass and get to follow the band on their adventures as they aim to reach superstar status. In the meantime, the band will put out clips or a tour diary for you to keep an eye on what they are up to. In this clip, the band show off their creative film making skills paying homage to the classic silent movies of a bygone era. This is Ravenscry with a short film, entitled, Rhapsody of emotions.
Nobody Live
Ever wanted to see the band play live? Well here is a little footage of them playing, Nobody. Plus you get some close ups of the beautiful Giulia! And that's never a bad thing. Audio not the best, but you get the idea. Maybe they will play at a venue near you someday. Keep up the support and you may get your wish.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Simon Cam
Yes it's a drum cam, otherwise known as Simon Cam! What to focus on?? the amazing percussion work or those facial expressions? You choose! Enjoy ;)
Top Female Metal Voices
Interesting page/list (in spanish language) which would do well to feature our very own Giulia Stefani! Indeed it contains some talented vocalists and all respect to them, but we know that Giulia fits in right up there with the best. Where would you place her in that list?
Fire Up Your Ipods
Did you know that One Way Out is available on itunes? at a very reasonable price too! the entire album for under $10! We now live in the digital age, and what better way to become a part of that, by downloading some kick ass music. You can also download individual songs for $0.99 too.
Making a fully fledged album is hard work and if we want to see the bands and artists we love, continue to produce quality music and to keep touring, then we should give a little back when we can.
Making a fully fledged album is hard work and if we want to see the bands and artists we love, continue to produce quality music and to keep touring, then we should give a little back when we can.
A selection of reviews from some very happy music fans
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
It's the title of the latest album. If you have not yet heard it, you really do need to get a move on. Look around at online vendors for the hard copy and in mp3 format.
What do you think of One Way Out, as a first full release? What are your favourite songs? Write a few words, or a mini review if you like.
The word is out that a new video is in the works. No information is as yet available so it appears as though we have to wait. But don't despair as the band has announced a competition. For a chance to win a signed copy of their latest album, head over to the facebook page for details and enter the poll. Can you guess which song will be featured in the video? Give it a go!
In the mean time why not check out the video for Nobody. If you have already seen it, don't worry as you can always watch it again and share it with your friends, your dog, cat, hamster and every living organism you have contact with. With over 340k views the video is gaining viewers every hour. Lets see if we can hit 500k within the next couple of months. Stay tuned!
In the mean time why not check out the video for Nobody. If you have already seen it, don't worry as you can always watch it again and share it with your friends, your dog, cat, hamster and every living organism you have contact with. With over 340k views the video is gaining viewers every hour. Lets see if we can hit 500k within the next couple of months. Stay tuned!
A dedicated fan blog of Italian alternative metal band, Ravenscry. Stay up to date with all the latest news, tour information, and everything else! share your views on the latest album, One Way Out.
Since this is a fan blog, please hear my battle cry and spread the word as far and as wide as humanly possible. Let's get this talented band the recognition they deserve by using every media at your disposal, be it twitter, facebook, other blogs, forums, etc. Write reviews of the latest album on sites like Amazon if you are a member. We need to generate as much visibility as we can and it can only be done with your help.
We know what needs to be done. Let's do this! Stay metal and support the band!
Since this is a fan blog, please hear my battle cry and spread the word as far and as wide as humanly possible. Let's get this talented band the recognition they deserve by using every media at your disposal, be it twitter, facebook, other blogs, forums, etc. Write reviews of the latest album on sites like Amazon if you are a member. We need to generate as much visibility as we can and it can only be done with your help.
We know what needs to be done. Let's do this! Stay metal and support the band!
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